New York Times, Mapping America: Every City, Every Block.  Make your own maps of local communities using the Census Bureau's American Community Survey, based on samples from 2005 to 2009.



Maricopa County Interactive Maps. Includes the Historical Aerial Photography maps that we used to examine the history of the appearance and disappearance of the Golden Gate Barrio community. NOTE: you must be using a PC with Explorer for these maps to work.



Maricopa Association of Governments Demographic Maps. Interactive maps covering all of the Valley of the Sun, based on US Census data.

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Site constructed by undergraduate students in Kristin Koptiuch's Ethnographic Field Lab class at Arizona State University, spring 2012.

© 2012 Please give credit to authors when citing. Viewpoints expressed are those of the authors and do not necessarily represent views of the professor or ASU.

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